What is the giant glowing thing in the sky?

For years we have not questioned this giant glowing thing, because when we look up at it we become fucking blind, but I might know what it is.
You see.. Years ago Xenu and the old Race were flying through space, looking for a new home. They encountered the milky way, he scoffed and said "alien words" suddenly WHAZAMM BOOM EEK AHH FUCK a giant flying b0m crashed into the ship and it combusted into flames
Xenu made a great sakrifise and sent the old race down to earth to start anew, stripping them away of their memorys, he obviously forgot to strip away Celtic's mind and L ron hubbard's mind
I think that the giant glowing thing in the sky is actually the ruins of the ship, still on fire from the great explosion
and that's how roblox was made
the end